
Moin - Info


25 November 2017
Moin: früher Moincoin

Blockchainprojekt: Marktplatz, Plattform, Privat/Anonymität, Chat
Mining: Proof-of-stake
Blockzeit: 64 Sekunden
Einführung: 04.Nov.2015
Verfügbares Angebot: 7.409.376
Angebot insgesamt: 21.000.000

Moin soll eine Mischung aus Elementen von Bitcoin, PeerCoin, ShadowCash und Partical sein.
Wobei die Bitcoin Core verwendet werden soll, jedoch aber mit Proof Of Stake und Shadowsend.
Durch den Partical teil soll ein Marktplatz entstehen können welcher anonym, dezentral und sicher ist.
Durch den Bitmessager ähnlichen Chat, würde es diesem Ecosystem die Abrundung geben.

Bei 'Private coins' ist es schwer sicher zu stellen das niemand einfach so Geld drucken kann, daher wird jeder Coin der erstellt wird zuerst in den Public legder aufgenommen. Anschließend kann man dann entscheiden ob man über Confidential Transactions (Transparent) oder RingCT (Anonym) Transaktionen tätigt.

Außerdem soll Segwit und Lightning implentiert werden so wie auch Atomic Swap.
Segwit soll Abwärtskompatibilität gewährleisten, z.b. bei soft forks.
Lightning ist zu Beschleunigung und skalierung der Transaktionen.
Atomic Swap ermöglicht eine Schnittstelle zum tauschen von z.b. BTC zu LTC unabhängig von 3ten.

In regards to timeline for MOIN swap to latest Particl PART code base. Everything is in early preparation stage.
As soon as team will be prepared, detailed announcements will follow.
MOIN community have encountered a lot of attention. It was unprepared for this professionally.
Until recent events we were slowly and steadily evolving community with out pumps and profit taking. As we did not seek that whatsoever.
Everyone here are the real veterans of blockchain space.

I add a good explanation of situation by our community member Xanatos:

Low market cap crypto with high growth potential which has been around for the long haul with active development throughout. Extremely professional looking HTML5 interface with the coin itself being moved over to the open-sourced PARTCL blockchain.

To sum it up briefly, Particl is a privacy-focused blockchain/P2P hybrid ecosystem that will host a decentralized and anonymous marketplace as well as an array of apps using a native cryptocurrency. This can lead to fully decentralized and anonymous marketplaces which allows buyers and vendors to securely transact between each other without the need to ever interact with a third-party. It also encompasses a fully anonymous messaging system built similarly to BitMessage. The platform is currency and protocol agnostic. MOIN's full utilization of this code is still being worked on and from what I've heard our main dev is compiling something that no other coin currently has. File verification is my bet. We're still in the early stages, and what makes this coin so exciting.

While MOIN is mainly a privacy-focused project, the use of a public token (default token) is very important in terms of management, integration, and security. One of the problems with exclusively anonymous currencies is that it can be hard to confirm the authenticity of the block creation process. What if an attacker had the key to generate an infinite amount of coins? What if no one noticed the hack until the attacker dumps large orders of fraudulently created coins on the trading market? These are very serious threats that are a reality with some of the 100% private coins. ZK SNARKS, for example, a crypto privacy protocol, also has this „hidden inflation problem“. In fact, the chain is initially generated from a set of master keys which could theoretically be used to generate an infinite amount of coins at any time without anyone ever noticing. This is why people say this protocol relies on „trusted setups“; you actually need to trust the party who spawned the chain would successfully destroy the master keys. There is, of course, no way to know for sure whether they didn‚Äôt keep copies somewhere or that they were not compromised during any step of the process (software, hardware, network, OS, BIOS, ME chip exploits). After all, cryptocurrencies are now worth a lot and they have become the primary target for hackers around the world.

It is precisely for these reasons that the team opted for a fully transparent coin generation process. Because all newly generated coins are public, a hacker/bug would instantly be detected and measures could be taken to fix the problem.

Additionally, since the public token is built in a very similar way as Bitcoin, it is much easier for third-parties such as exchanges, websites, and wallets (Jaxx, Exodus, Ledger Wallet, etc.) to integrate. They do not need to go out of their way and spend many dev hours without knowing if it will be economically worth it to integrate that coin. The best example I could find concerning this, in particular, is the case of Monero and Jaxx. Jaxx is a well-known multi-cryptocurrency wallet and they tried to integrate Monero earlier this year. After trying to add the coin to their wallet, they announced they would finally not do it because it was too complicated and they didn’t feel the amount of dev time required for this project would be worth it. This would not happen with MOIN as the BTC codebase is what everybody is used to working with and can integrate it without much effort.

This public token is also very useful for people who do not necessarily require a permanently anonymous experience. Fully-anonymous currencies can sometimes hinder one’s ability to effectively keep track of financial records and transactions. Some services ask for extra information (i.e. a payment ID for Monero) in order for a transaction to be accepted and there are many situations where one could forget to note that transaction ID down or lose it afterward. There’s also a lot of scenarios where one would need to go back several months into the past to see specific transaction details. In most cases, it is simply harder to keep track of things with fully private coins so having one that does possess great accountability tools is definitively a plus.

On top of this, a transaction using any privacy coin is generally going to cost more in fees than a public transaction on a non-bloated BTC codebase currency as it typically involves more data movement and computation. A „public user“, one that does not necessarily want to be anonymous, should not have to pay for privacy features he does not need. By making the public token the default coin, this ensures that only users seeking privacy options will use the privacy token, while the public users (which will probably end up being the majority of MOIN users if the platform becomes mainstream) default to the public token. This also has the non-negligible effect of putting less stress on the network (as public transactions are more lightweight and do not fill blocks as much as private ones), keeping the network efficient.

MOIN’s private token has a variable degree of privacy which can be adjusted by users according to their preferences. In fact, when making a private transaction, it will be possible to send it using Confidential Transactions or RingCT (which is a blend of ring signatures and Confidential Transactions). It is noteworthy to mention that this is the first time both these protocols are being implemented on the Bitcoin codebase. While a few coins use Confidential Transactions as their privacy protocol, only one uses an implementation of RingCT on their main net: Monero.

Confidential Transactions, or CT, is a privacy protocol initially developed for Bitcoin that hides amounts sent from the public and makes it visible only to parties involved in the actual transaction. While it is very efficient to obfuscate most regular person-to-person transactions, its most interesting use case is when used in a marketplace decentralized escrow system. If the market’s escrow system worked using the public token, it would be trivial for determined attackers to detect patterns in the public escrow contracts and match them to potential users. On a long enough timeline, users could be identified with particular marketplace orders with a high degree of certainty. With the help of Confidential Transactions, this cuts off this attack vector and makes the escrow system fully anonymous.

RingCT, on the other side, is an even better privacy protocol combining ring signatures to the aforementioned confidential transaction protocol. Applied on double stealth addresses, not only transaction amounts are hidden but the sender and receiver addresses as well, making RingCT transactions completely untraceable. One useful feature of the MOIN wallet is that users are actually presented with the option to choose the privacy protocol they want to use according to their needs. Public transfer has good privacy protocol for basic privacy, but RingCT is even better as it makes transactions unlinkable. However, the latter is much more expensive in fees than the first one, and people who do not require a „paranoid“ level of privacy may not want to pay larger fees.

In my subjective opinion, MOIN will offer the best privacy experience on the market as it is very flexible but makes no compromise. RingCT is considered top-of-the-line technology and it simply works fantastically in preserving one’s privacy. Some could argue that ZK-SNARKS offers a better solution, and that is rightfully debatable. They do offer an interesting privacy solution, but they do have their share of problems and vulnerabilities as mentioned above. Centralized coin mixers are obviously not to be trusted as there is no way to know the legitimacy of the website owner, and coinjoin services are demonstrably weak and exploitable by determined adversaries.

The hidden inflation problem is also one of the reasons why I believe MOIN, with its dual token system, has a „safer“ (and easier to integrate) implementation of RingCT than Monero. Don‚Äôt get me wrong, there are good arguments people could make about Monero having the better integration. For example, RingCT being mandatory and by default on all transactions makes it impossible to make a basic human mistake (they do happen), but it also makes Monero a more expensive currency to use and a blockchain less likely to be able to support a huge influx of users (as transactions are heavy and would bloat the blockchain faster). This is the kind of debate where both sides have pros and cons, so I will let you make your own conclusion on this topic.

Also related to MOIN’s privacy but not its private coin, it is possible to route the wallet’s connection through TOR in order to keep your node IP address private. This is absolutely needed if you want a secure staking setup (unless you used OpenVPN with solid network rules) as broadcasting the real IP address of a staking node to the world is asking for trouble.

Another sweet feature of the blockchain is that it has a native implementation of Segwit, which I believe is a first in crypto. One small inconvenience with blockchain projects forking their chain to add Segwit is that witness blocks aren’t compatible with blocks prior to the fork. While this is not a critical problem, it sure makes things smoother and easier to have a fully compatible Segwit implementation.

Having segregated witness on MOIN gives its blockchain a couple of interesting features. Among many of these, some notable ones are the Lightning Network, transaction malleability vulnerability fixes, and block capacity/size increase.

Lightning Network is a payment channel protocol first proposed by Joseph Poon and Tadge Dryja and now scheduled for implementation on Bitcoin as well as some altcoins such as Vertcoin. LN gives interesting features to whatever coin decides to implement it such as reduced transaction fees, increased transaction speed, better privacy, and atomic swaps.

As it is becoming more and more likely as time goes by that the Lightning Network will be implemented in various different coins, its atomic swap feature is getting more relevant. Atomic swapping is the ability of an LN-enabled blockchain to be made inter-operable through multi-signature addresses and time-locks with many other LN-enabled blockchains in order to allow trust-less coin exchange between two parties (i.e. Alice can trade 100 LTC to Bob for 1 BTC in a 100% decentralized and counterparty-free fashion). This could even be used to create decentralized multi-coin payment processors or exchanges, effectively spawning a brand new and potentially breakthrough LN-focused ecosystem in which MOIN could be part of. It also seems plausible that the MOIN platform would eventually leverage this feature to allow trust-less currency exchange on its marketplace as well as other Dapps, effectively replacing Shapeshift with a cheaper and decentralized alternative, even though the team hasn’t made any statement on the matter.
Quelle: (Hier klicken)

Hier wird auch noch erwähnt die Implementierung von Proof of Ownership damit, kann man Dateien signieren und nur der Besitzer des Privates keys kann den Beweis für Besitz erbringen.
Quelle: (Hier klicken)

Der Lead Designer von Moin, soll auch im core development team von Particl sein .
Quelle: (Hier klicken)

Ein konkretes White Paper gibt es noch nicht, und scheint auch so beabsichtigt zu sein, um 1.) keine Spekulationen zu Förden und 2.) auch die Vorstellung des Projects dynamisch zu halten.
Es wird aber im BitcoinTalk Forum zu folgenden White Papers referenziert.
Bitcoin Whitepaper (hier klicken)
PeerCoin Whitepaper (hier klicken)
ShadowCash Whitepaper (hier klicken)
Quelle: (Hier klicken)

Zum Schluss eine sehr schöne Ansage, das es explizit kein Whitepaper oder irgendwelche konkrete anonuncierungen gibt bevor es wirklich einfach den code gibt. Es sollen keine leeren Versprechungen gemacht werden. Und erst wenn es eine Alpha gibt wird, man noch mehr Developer dazu holen. Es wird von "The Platform" gesprochen. Auf mich wirkt das wie als ob man ein richtig festes stabiles Fundament versucht zu bauen, und alles schön säuberlich und sachte zu errichten.
Having being around the cryptocurrency scene for several years now I think it’s almost impossible to be too skeptical when it comes to any of the claims teams make about their future plans. Basically, until I see the code – I assume it isn’t real. For this reason I wouldn’t feel comfortable recommending anyone invest a significant amount of money in MOIN yet. It’s also why we haven’t really promoted MOIN too heavily up until now, because by my own standards – from the outside looking in at least – MOIN is unproven. I think it’s a project I’d be watching very closely though.
In what manner moin contributes to the coins ecosystem?
At the moment MOIN contributes nothing in particular to the coins ecosystem. The coins ecosystem isn’t something I think about to be honest. Whether or not a project offers something unique is definitely a useful gauge of its legitimacy though and I do care about making something useful. With MOIN we will eventually contribute something unique to the coins ecosystem, but it’ll happen as a natural consequence of continuing to work on the things I find most interesting. Basically, there’s just something I have my heart set on building.
What is moin's team developing now and in the future?
I‚Äôve been working on something I‚Äôve been referring to by the codename „The Platform“. Partly in reaction to other projects that made big promises and never delivered, I decided a long time ago I wouldn‚Äôt release details of exactly what The Platform is until it was almost ready for release. At the same time, I don‚Äôt the want people who have invested to be completely in the dark, so we give progress updates once every 2 weeks. What I will say is that it will be made up of three inter-operating subsystems, each of which will be released individually as and when they‚Äôre ready since each is capable of functioning independently. But it‚Äôs in combining the three that things get really interesting.
In the mean time, one of our graphic designers axllht has been busy working on new designs for our wallet and on revamping and expanding the official website, both of which are coming along very nicely.
I haven’t thought far beyond The Platform as improving and extending it aught to keep us occupied well into the future. Once the alpha is released I’d like to bring on more developers, so at that point we’ll probably look at expanding into other areas.
Where to buy moin? Well, this question I can resolve.
I’d caution anyone before buying MOIN that it’s not a get-rich quick scheme. We absolutely won’t add a feature (*cough* Masternodes *cough*) that adds little in the way of functionality just to manufacture scarcity or push the price up. So if you’re a day trader looking for a quick return you’re going to find our motivations completely at odds with your own, and MOIN probably isn’t for you.
For me, MOIN’s mostly about learning new skills, the technical challenges and getting to meet and work with interesting like-minded people. Right now, what would probably benefit us most is getting more people involved. So if anyone reading is looking for a new challenge, has programming experience and wants to get involved with a project in this field, wants to learn new skills or would like to contribute in some other way then come find us on IRC/Slack/email or on the forums. I'm sure we can find a way to put your skills to good use!
IRC: #moin-crypto (freenode)
Quelle: (hier klicken)

Wirkt auf mich momentan relativ unterbewertet, jedoch auch teils begründet da es eben noch nicht fertig ist.
Jedoch scheint mir das ziemlich Potenzial zu haben. Erinnert mich stark an Verge, fast saubere Aufmachung.