translat schrieb:
kann mir jemand erklären wie ich mir eine Masternode einrichte und vielleicht auch sagen ob es irgendwelche besonderen Anforderungen, wie z.B. Anforderungen an den verwendeten Rechner, gibt?
Also ich würde den Masternode auf jeden fall auf einem VPS laufen lassen.
Ich habe meine vom du dich über diesen Link registrierst, bekomme ich ne Provision. Ich wäre dir dankbar

) gemietet. Das war das günstigte, was ich finden konnte.
Super finde ich auch, dass du mit Bitcoin bezahlen kannst.
Und was soll ich sagen, seit erster Tag läuft der auch ohne Probleme.
Und hier hast du eine wirklich Anfänger freundliche Anleitung( kannst du mit time4vps ersetzen, falls du dich dafür entscheidest. )
To set up Masternode:
Need to add „Masternode Tab“ in wallet
Click on wallet window then
Go to Paccoin Core in upper left window of desktop (or go to options in windows)
Click on Preferences
Click on wallet
Click „show Masternode tab“
Restart wallet
Add a server:
Add server - Pick City (any)
Choose Ubuntu 16.04 x64
20 GB (2.50 a mo) Do not use ipv6 ip (not compatible) use ipv4 IP(bearbeitet)
Add Server host name (example Mnode1)
To set up IP from Vultr Server on computer:
Go to applicationtions
Go to Utilities
click on Terminal (or go to DOS in windows)
type in:
ssh root@your ip address from server on Vultr
then enter
it will ask for password (use password provided in server when you open up your server in Vultr)
hit enter
then type in
wget ... r/
then enter
then type in
chmod +x
then enter
then type in
then enter
It will ask for external IP
type in your ip address from Vultr
then enter, it will ask you for a masterenode genkey so….
create a masternode genkey from your wallet…
go to debug window and type in
masternode genkey
hit enter
copy that key and paste that key and past back into the terminal (or dos on windows) where it asks you for a Masternode genkey (also keep that key for later somewhere, you will need later)
then hit enter(bearbeitet)
When finished, should show server is Ready!
Now set up wallet:
you will need to send 500,000 Pac coins to yourself (so you generate a Masternode TXID).
after you send and receive to self go back to debug window
type in
masternode outputs
hit enter
copy that code somewhere
Now very important…..
you will need to change TXID code slightly, it needs cleaned up
It may look like this
{ e4chhijdjjinshhjj65jdkkrjjrjjf7jjs8ejdjjkkdk :1
change to:
e4chhijdjjinshhjj65jdkkrjjrjjf7jjs8ejdjjkkdk 1
delete brackets, at end just need to have a „space“ between long address and final number
Now from your wallet go to Tools and open masternode configuration file and delete examples in it, clean out completely:
type in as follows as an example:
MN1 your ip address from Vultr then :7112 (that is the port PAC uses, so it will look like this as an example):
then paste in your masternode key
then paste in your cleaned version of the Mastered TXID
close window, it will not prompt to save, that‚Äôs okay…
close wallet and restart.
Go to masterernode tab
click „start alias“ tab
click okay to start Mnode1
Good to go