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97 Blocknet
The Blocknet protocol was designed to maximise inter-chain interoperability and allow for the decentralized exchange of coins, inter-blockchain service delivery, and monetization of services. This is made possible through the protocol's decentralized three core components: blockchain router, decentralized asset exchange, and data transport.
Blockchain Router
The purpose of the router is to trustlessly direct service requests through the proper service nodes. For example, let's say there is an exchange to trade PIVX for Syscoin. Not all service nodes may support PIVX and Lisk. Therefore, the router will send this transaction through a service node which does support the assets at hand in order to complete the exchange and collect the fee.
Decentralized Asset Exchange
The exchange component allows for trustless transactions between different blockchains. Cross-chain atomic swaps may be performed between any asset that is supported by the protocol. Any asset that has a stock JSON RPC interface cloned from Bitcoin Core and supports OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY is compatible. As a result, the Blocknet supports the majority of cryptocurrencies in existence, and no permission from anyone is required.
Cross-Chain Data Transport
The third component of the protocol is trustless cross-chain data transport. This component allows for data and information to be sent from one chain to another, greatly increasing interoperability and the potential use-cases and implementations of this protocol.
Supported Coins
Any coin that supports OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY and has a stock JSON RPC interface cloned from Bitcoin Core will be Blocknet compatible. As a result, the Blocknet supports the majority of cryptocurrencies in existence, and no permission from anyone is required.
The following is a list of coins which have been tested and are confirmed to be supported:
BitBay (BAY), Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Blocknet (BLOCK), Dash (DASH), Decred (DCR),
Digibyte (DGB), Dogecoin (DOGE), Dynamic (DYN), GameCredits (GAME), Faircoin (FAIR), HShare (HSR), LBRY Credits (LBC), Litecoin (LTC), Monacoin (MONA), MonetaryUnit (MUE), Namecoin (NMC), NavCoin (NAV), Particl (PART), Peercoin (PPC), PIVX (PIVX), Potcoin (POT), Qtum (QTUM), Sequence (SEQ),
Stratis (STRAT),
Syscoin (SYS), Vericoin (VRC),
Verge (XVG), Vertcoin (VTC), ViaCoin (VIA)
Note: Upcoming milestones are subject to change, and some require new ground be broken in crypto, and thus are to be interpreted as intents, not commitments. Development is in an agile manner and so continual progress is to be expected.
‚óæNew UI integration
‚óæSPV wallets
‚óæ"Toolkit" site that lists supported coins, their config files, documentation, and other data (ishkb1)
‚óæTradingView integration work (Core Team)
‚óæBot "skeleton" in Python for easy DX bot building (infinity7592)
‚óæDX API enhancements (Core Team)
‚óæDX order book enhancements (Core Team)
‚óæVisual DX explorer (infinity7592)
‚óæMonthly quant report (courtesy of
‚óæNew Blocknet website
‚óæNew DX website
‚óæAnalytics site (think, but for a DX)
‚óæFirst demo/testing cycles of the DX frontend
‚óæ0x integration (addition of Ethereum and all ERC20 tokens to the DX)
‚óæEthfinex integration (Bitfinex's order book on the DX)
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